Steer Clear Of Complications – 3 Employment Law Basics For The New Business

You want to guarantee a better work environment for everyone in your company. What is the right way to do that? You must ensure that your company is legally compliant with every rule and protocol laid down by the government. You must also make sure that all your employee relations are healthy and that each one of your associates and workers goes by the employee handbook. As per the leading Employment Law Firms, there are a few things you should always take care of especially in the context of employment law when you are trying to maintain a healthy environment in your company. Some of them are explained in the following section:

1. Steer Clear Of Any Discriminatory Language

There will be many instances when you will have to avoid using any kind of discriminatory language or words. For example, if you use the word 'energetic' for 'new graduates' in your job postings, it might not appeal to the majority of your candidates. Some of these terms may be attributed to the age or energy levels of a probable candidate. You do not want to come across as an employer who discriminates between young and old candidates. All your job postings or any other company information for that matter should always be neutral. Make it a point to exclude protective groups from your conduct to avoid any complications.

2. Clear Your Expectations With Regards To Job Descriptions

There will always be a certain set of responsibilities and functions that you would want your employees to perform. According to Shegerian Conniff, you have to set forth general terms and requirements including detailed information about the functions of any job without any discrimination whatsoever. This also includes protected classes and disabilities. For example, if there are certain responsibilities and functions within the job description that require the employee to stoop, crouch, crawl, or kneel while performing their job, you will have to specify that in the job description. You will have to come up with a properly drafted job description that is going to help you find the right employee and also decide whether the candidate is entitled to any reasonable accommodation or not.

3. Create A Reporting Structure

Can you work without having a reporting structure in your organization? A reporting structure can help you determine the different roles of different position holders. It can also help you point out the presence of too many managers which would be redundant to your company operations. It is going to simplify the flow of information and the reporting protocols that should be established between employees and managers.

So, these were a few considerations that you should always keep in mind when trying to create a positive and healthy environment at your workplace. If you need any assistance and help, you should always get in touch with your attorneys at Shegerian Conniff.

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